How to Increase Sales on Amazon: 14 Ways


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How to Increase Sales on Amazon can seem daunting once the initial launch is over. But have no fear – there are plenty of proven tactics you can use to take your Amazon business to the next level.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through 14 powerful ways to increase product sales and scale your Amazon FBA business. Whether you want to optimize your PPC strategy, run promotions to spike sales, expand into new markets, or leverage influencers, we’ve got you covered.

These are actionable growth strategies honed from the experience of successful seven-figure Amazon sellers. No matter what stage of business you’re at, you’re bound to find several new ideas to implement right away.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a toolkit of the most effective methods to grow your Amazon sales and scale up your business. Let’s dive in and start identifying new opportunities to drive growth and profits on Amazon!

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Optimize Your Amazon PPC Campaigns

Amazon PPC advertising is essential for driving product visibility and sales, but it must be structured properly to maintain profit margins as you scale. Follow these tips to optimize your Sponsored Products strategy:

– Analyze performance data frequently. Review your campaign’s impression share, click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, and most importantly, your advertising cost of sales (ACoS). This tells you how much you pay Amazon per dollar of sales.

– Set an efficient ACoS target for each campaign and product. For example, aim for an ACoS under 30% in competitive niches. The lower your ACoS, the more profitable each sale.

– Organize campaigns by match type, products, and/or themes. This lets you optimize ads and bids for relevance. For example, separate broad, phrase and exact match keywords.

– Enable auto targeting and bid optimizations. Let Amazon’s algorithms dynamically find impressions and set bids to help hit your ACoS goals.

– Create negatives lists to avoid irrelevant traffic. Add terms like competitors’ brand names or unrelated products to avoid wasted spend.

– Test bid strategies frequently. Try increasing or decreasing bids on top-performing keywords while staying under your ACoS threshold.

– Design high-converting ads and landing pages. Use attractive images, compelling copy, reviews, A+ content and more to improve conversion rates from clicks.

– Promote products with the highest profit margins. Minimize ads for low-margin products unless they benefit related product sales.

Optimizing your PPC approach takes constant testing and iteration, but it ensures advertising spend remains efficient as you scale sales on Amazon. Mastering Sponsored Products is step one for any successful growth strategy.

Run Amazon Lightning Deals and Promotions

Amazon promotions like Lightning Deals and coupons can quickly spike your product sales for a limited time. Use these strategies to effectively run deals:

– Schedule Lightning Deals in advance. Plan promotions ahead of time for the best visibility on high-traffic deal sites. Avoid oversaturating with too many frequent deals.

– Time deals for peak demand. For example, discount fitness products on January 1st or New Year’s resolutions. Capitalize on seasonal or event-driven demand surges.

– Offer discounts of 25-35%. Aggressive discounts may increase sales but hurt long-term perception of your product’s value. Moderate promotions convert well without conditioning customers to only buy on deal.

– Limit coupon availability. For example, offer a 60% off coupon to the first 100 customers. Scarcity incentivizes quick action.

– Require Prime membership for coupons. This encourages sign-ups for Amazon Prime to access the deal. Prime members tend to spend more on Amazon.

– Analyze sales velocities before and after promotions. Look at units sold daily to accurately measure the impact of Lightning Deals and coupons.

– Raise prices slightly after promotions. The sales spike allows moderately increasing base price while maintaining rank. This helps offset the cost of offering deals.

Amazon promotions can scale your sales in the short term, but be careful not to oversaturate. Use data-driven deals sparingly to maximize their impact. The key is timing targeted promotions to take advantage of seasonal spikes or external events driving interest.

Analyze Units Per Order and Incentivize Multiple Purchases  

A great way to increase sales is by encouraging customers to purchase more units per order. Follow these tips:

  • Use your Seller Central reports to calculate average units sold per order. Filter by product to analyze your best sellers.
  • Identify products with the biggest gap between orders and units. These have the most potential to increase units per order.
  • Consider your profit margins per unit. Incentivizing bundles only makes sense on profitable products. Avoid driving unprofitable bulk purchases.
  • Offer tiered discount by quantity. For example:
  • Buy 2, get 5% off
  • Buy 3, get 10% off
  • Buy 4+, get 15% off
  • Make discount thresholds achievable. Require 2-3 units for the first tier so it’s an easy increment from 1 unit.
  • Display discounted tiers prominently on the product page. Including on the image, title, and description.
  • Share bundle promotions on pack slips and inserts. Your current customers will be most receptive to bulk offers.
  • Remind customers close to the next tier. For example, “Add 1 more to get 10% off your order!” if they have 2 units.
  • Limit discounts to proven high-margin products. Avoid steep discounts that may cut into your profits.

Encouraging incremental unit purchases per order is an easy way to scale sales. The key is making bundle promotions visible and enticing to customers already interested in your products.

Create Amazon Coupons and Offer Exclusive Prime Discounts

Coupons are an effective technique for incentivizing purchases and acquiring new customers. Integrate them into your strategy with these tips:

– Create coupon campaigns in Promotions Manager. You can limit coupons to specific products, ASINs, or purchases over a minimum amount.

– Offer site-wide coupons sparingly. Wide availability dilutes their impact. Reserve for special promotions and big sales events.

– Vary discount percentages from 10-30% typically. Deep discounts may hurt perception of your product value.

– Limit coupon distribution. For example, cap at first 200 redemptions or single-use per customer. Scarcity drives urgency.

– Make some coupons Prime-exclusive. Highlights membership perks and Prime is central to Amazon’s ecommerce dominance.

– Drive traffic to coupon landing pages. Promote via ads, email, social media, and off-Amazon channels.

– Test different coupon types extensively. Compare impacts on conversion rate, units sold, and new vs repeat customers.

– Set expiration dates under 30 days. Expirations incentivize quickerredemptions and purchases.

– Use pixels to track coupon performance off Amazon. See redemptions driven by non-Amazon promotions.

Leveraging Amazon’s expansive coupon features can really scale sales. Take advantage of options to target, limit, and experiment with coupons to maximize results.

Split Test Listing Content with A/B Experiments

A/B testing different versions of your listings is crucial for optimizing conversion rates. Follow these tips:
– Test elements one at a time. Compare the original to one variation to accurately measure impact.
– Prioritize testing titles first. Titles have the biggest influence on click-through-rates from search.
– Also test main images, bullet points, and description copy. The entire listing should be optimized.
– Use tools like Splitly to streamline testing. It lets you quickly create variations and monitor performance.
– Measure conversion rate as the key metric. Don’t just look at clicks and impressions. More clicks without more purchases is pointless.
– Let tests run for 1-2 weeks before picking a winner. Account for random fluctuations in the data.
– Be patient making changes. Only implement a new variation once it has clearly outperformed the original.
– Try different formats like questions, emotional hooks, or more details for titles. Test length and structure too.
– Use high-converting listings as inspiration. See what top competitors are doing well.
– Analyze reports to identify issues and brainstorm new tests. Keep an ongoing list of experiments to try.
Continual optimization through A/B testing can improve your Amazon listing’s performance over time. Even small gains compound to impact sales at scale.

Use Category Targeting for Sponsored Products and Display Ads

Leveraging Amazon’s extensive category taxonomy can help you expose your ads to high-intent shoppers. Some tips:

– Identify categories closely related to your product. For example, if you sell protein powder, target the Sports Nutrition category.  

– Be highly specific with categories when possible. Target Weight Gain Powder & Supplements rather than just Sports Nutrition.

– Analyze competitors’ categories for inspiration. See where top sellers in your niche are getting visibility.

– Layer category targeting with other filters like brand, price range, etc. Combining filters narrows the audience.

– Monitor category performance. Eliminate ones with low click-through rates or conversion rates.

– Adjust bids by category. Set higher bids for tighter, high-converting categories and lower bids for broader categories.

– Watch your advertising cost of sales (ACoS) by category. Focus spend on the most profitable categories for your business.

– Check impression share. Make sure you’re not constrained by budget so you can gain more exposure.

– Test expanding into complementary categories over time. But only if you can maintain efficient ACoS.

– Category targeting works for both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands display ads. Leverage both.

Dialing in on the categories most relevant to your products ensures your advertising reaches high-intent users ripe for conversion. Category-based targeting is extremely valuable for any Amazon PPC strategy.

Create Targeted Headline Search Ads

Headline search ads help you stand out in search results with expanded branding and messaging. Optimize them for relevance with these tips:

– Group keywords by theme or customer segment. Create ad groups around topics like product benefits, industry, or buyer persona.

– Design different ad creative for each group. Show visuals and copy that aligns to the keywords.

– For example, use product photos for broad terms and lifestyle images for niche interests.

– Personalize ads with emotional hooks when possible. Evoke feelings like excitement or security based on intent.

– Follow Amazon’s requirements for image sizes and formats. Refer to their technical guidelines.

– Write crisp, descriptive copy. Summarize your USP and top benefits in the limited headline space.

– Include a clear CTA. “Learn more”, “Shop now”, etc. Give customers direction.

– Monitor click-through rates (CTR) in Campaign Manager. Aim for CTRs above your Sponsored Products ads.

– Check impression share. If low, increase bids since visibility drives volume.

– Continually test new creative and copy variations. Iterate on elements that perform well.

Optimizing your headline search ads for relevance delivers better connections with prospective customers. Combine grouping, personalization, and testing for the best results.

Partner with Influencers and Content Creators in Your Niche

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to drive brand awareness, credibility, and sales on Amazon. Here are some best practices:

– Identify relevant influencers on all platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, blogs, podcasts, and more.

– Use tools like BuzzSumo to find influencers creating high-performing content around your products.

– Look beyond just follower count. Gauge influence through engagement, conversions, and audience quality.

– Consider both broad and micro-influencers in your niche. Evaluate reach vs resonance.

– Research rates for sponsored content across different tiers of influencers. Set a reasonable budget.

– Ask influencers to share discount codes or links with affiliate tracking. This lets you measure ROI.

– Negotiate one-off placements or longer-term partnerships for multiple promotions.

– Encourage influencers to actively promote with dedicated posts, stories, and highlights.

– Provide free samples or bundles of products for influencers to try before promoting.

– Repurpose influencer content across your own social channels. Extend the reach.

Forging partnerships with relevant influencers gives you direct access to an engaged, loyal audience to drive sales on Amazon.

Expand Your Product to Amazon Marketplaces Worldwide

One of the most effective sales growth strategies is to expand your best-selling products into more Amazon marketplaces globally.

Here are some tips to scale successfully across markets:

  • Start with English-speaking marketplaces like Amazon Canada, UK, and Australia which are easier to manage.
  • Research demand and competition levels in each marketplace first. List on markets with healthy sales potential.
  • Update listings with translated bullets, titles, and descriptions. Don’t rely on just Google Translate – get native speakers.
  • Ship inventory to fulfillment centers in each region you list in. Use Amazon’s FBA export program for simplified logistics.
  • Enable automatic sharing of your reviews across marketplaces. This instantly lends credibility in new regions.
  • Consider creating or registering your brand in each region. This allows you to run Amazon Stores and branded content.
  • Monitor performance indicators like BSR, conversion rate, review velocity, and demand forecasts in each marketplace frequently.
  • Adapt your PPC strategy to be marketplace-specific. Optimize for regional search behaviors and competitiveness.
  • Expanding globally significantly multiplies your sales potential while leveraging your proven Amazon listings and brand equity. With some additional localization and logistics efforts, your products can thrive across the world.

Target Generic Keywords Related to Your Product

In addition to niche and long-tail keywords, consider targeting generic terms that broadly describe your product type. This exposes you to more search volume.

Identify generic keywords competitors rank highly for. Use keyword research tools to find gaps. Brainstorm other generic terms by thinking about the product’s uses, categories, or common phrases.

For example, a meat thermometer could target “kitchen gadgets” or “cooking tools”.

Test generic keywords through sponsored product ads first. Measure conversion rates before trying to rank organically.

Only target generics that convert decently. Avoid ones with low relevancy despite high traffic.

If conversion data is limited, start with low bids and budgets when testing generics.

Use negative keywords to narrow generic keyword targeting. For example, add “not digital” to a meat thermometer ad group.

Factor in higher search volume but lower conversion rates when calculating potential ROI.

Ranking organically for generics may require significant time and backlinks. Ensure payoff merits the investment.

Monitor performance over time. Generic keywords can provide a steady stream of low-funnel traffic once established.

Targeting well-chosen generic keywords introduces your product to new audiences. But extensive testing is required to ensure value from high-volume, low-relevancy terms.

Grow Your Social Following with Insert Cards

Insert cards are a great way to drive followers and build audiences across social platforms. Implement them effectively with these tips:

  • Design insert cards highlighting your social media presence. Include handles and direct links.
  • Use a QR code to let customers easily scan and follow from their phones. Shortlinks also work.
  • Incentivize follows by offering discounts exclusive to social media subscribers. Everyone loves a deal!
  • Promote new product launches or previews on social channels. Give fans early access and updates.
  • Run contests and sweepstakes like social-exclusive giveaways. Rafflecopter makes these easy to manage.
  • Share user-generated content from happy customers on social accounts. This builds community.
  • Give fans a “behind the scenes” look through interviews, factory tours, etc. Build authenticity.
  • Leverage video content and Stories on Instagram/Facebook. This drives higher engagement.
  • Collaborate with influencers. Joint giveaways or promotions expand your combined reach.
  • Analyze follower growth and sales conversions by channel. See which platforms and content perform best.

Leveraging insert cards to bridge Amazon customers to social followers lets you build audiences to power sales at scale.

Research Competitors’ Frequently Bought Together Products

Studying complementary products that appear in competitors’ “frequently bought together” sections can reveal new products to potentially sell.

  • Compile a list of your top competitors in Amazon’s Best Sellers lists for your niche.
  • Visit each of their product pages and note any complementary items called out as frequently bought together.
  • Search Amazon for those ASINs to identify the brands selling them. See if any are emerging best sellers.
  • Use Jungle Scout’s Product Database to estimate sales volumes for those complementary products. Filter by category.
  • Consider which complementary products align with your existing branding and capabilities. Avoid stretching too far.
  • Test sponsoring competitors’ products using Amazon’s Product Targeting ad type. This may lead Amazon to show your product together.
  • Build a multi-product brand around the emerging opportunities. Cross-sell new products to existing customers.
  • Eventually explore private label to manufacture complementary products if no strong brands exist yet.

Analyzing competitors’ ecosystems identifies potential new products in proven categories that you can capitalize on.

Organize Social Media Giveaways with Rafflecopter

Giveaways are a staple technique to build hype and social followings for an Amazon brand. Use a platform like Rafflecopter to run them smoothly:

  • Drive traffic to giveaways by promoting them through ads and influencers. Budget at least $500 for visibility.
  • Require follows, shares, etc. on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok for entries.
  • Set a clear schedule for the giveaway duration and announce the winner on time. Build anticipation.
  • Consider giving away your own products, popular complementary items, gift cards, or bundles.
  • For higher value prizes over $500, take entries on your email list too. This helps build your list.
  • Cross-promote the giveaway across your Amazon listings as well. Insert cards are great for this.
  • Track entries and new followers generated throughout the giveaway. Monitor platform growth.
  • Engage entrants by sharing user-generated content or reminders to enter. Keep excitement levels high.
  • Measure sales impact after the giveaway ends. Expect a spike from new followers and awareness.

Rafflecopter provides an easy way to manage multi-platform giveaways at scale to rapidly grow your brand following and sales.

Create Content for Amazon Posts

Amazon Posts allow you to publish content directly into your product listings to engage shoppers. Leverage this feature to boost visibility with these tips:

  • Create posts that provide added value like guides, tips, or “how-to” visuals related to using your product.
  • Share news announcements about awards won, new launches, limited-time sales, etc.
  • Curate visual quotes and user-generated content from happy customer reviews.
  • Develop series like FAQs, product spotlights, or even memes for episodic engagement.
  • Keep text succinct and optimize images for eye-catching thumbnails. Grab attention in the river of content.
  • Plan and schedule posts in advance using a content calendar so you maintain a consistent publishing cadence.
  • Link to helpful off-site resources related to your product. Provide additional info.
  • Monitor clicks and reactions for each post. Identify what content types resonate most with your audience.
  • Repurpose top-performing posts across your other social channels using cross-posting apps.
  • Consider promoted posts to boost exposure, especially for time-sensitive announcements and offers.

Posting unique, valuable content within your listing helps you connect with customers and get discovered by new shoppers.

Wrapping Up

Scaling up your sales and revenue on Amazon takes creativity, testing, and relentless optimization across multiple fronts. But as you can see from these 14 tactics, there are plenty of proven opportunities if you know where to look.

Whether you want to fine-tune your advertising, run impactful promotions, expand globally, convert social followers, or leverage new features like posts, this guide has provided a roadmap to help take your Amazon FBA business to the next level.

Not every strategy will work for every seller. You need to carefully test response, measure ROI, and find the combinations that maximize results for your unique products and business model through experimentation. But armed with these powerful options, any motivated Amazon seller can unlock new levels of growth.

The key is picking one or two new tactics to implement each month. Try to compound results over time for sustained sales momentum. With focus and commitment to continual optimization, you can build an unstoppable 7 or 8-figure Amazon FBA empire. The opportunities are there just waiting to be seized.

Hopefully this guide has provided value and sparked new ideas you can integrate into your business.

How to win buy box?

To secure the Buy Box on Amazon and increase your sales, consider implementing the following strategies: 1. Maintain Product Stock Levels: Ensure your products are always in stock. Consistent availability is crucial because Amazon prefers sellers who can reliably fulfill orders. Running out of stock can negatively impact your Buy Box eligibility and customer satisfaction. 2. Respond Promptly to Shopper Inquiries: Aim to answer customer questions within 24 hours. Quick responses demonstrate excellent customer service and can positively influence your Buy Box status. Amazon values sellers who are attentive and responsive to customer needs. 3. Set Competitive Pricing: Price your products competitively to attract buyers. Amazon’s algorithm favors sellers who offer the best value, so regularly review and adjust your pricing to stay competitive within your category. This can enhance your chances of winning the Buy Box. 4. Optimize Your Fulfillment Process: Streamline your order fulfillment process or consider using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). FBA provides Amazon’s warehousing, packing, and shipping services, which can boost your chances of winning the Buy Box due to Amazon’s preference for fast and reliable fulfillment. 5. Minimize Your Order Defect Rate (ODR): Keep your ODR low by managing returns, cancellations, and negative feedback carefully. A low ODR indicates that you are providing a high level of service and delivering on your promises, which can positively impact your Buy Box eligibility. 6. Adhere to Promised Shipping Times: Ensure that you meet or exceed the shipping times you promise to customers. Reliable shipping is crucial for maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and can influence your standing in the Buy Box competition. By focusing on these strategies, you can improve your chances of winning the Buy Box and boost your sales on Amazon.

How to optimize Amazon listings to drive more sales?

To optimize your Amazon listings for better visibility and higher rankings, focus on a few key strategies. Start by thoroughly researching and incorporating relevant keywords into your product title, bullet points, and description. Ensure your listings are complete with high-quality images, detailed product information, and competitive pricing. Encourage positive reviews from satisfied customers, as they boost credibility and ranking. Regularly monitor your performance metrics and adjust your strategies based on what's working. Optimize Amazon brand story and A+ content to enhance your overall SEO. It also helps in developing a strong brand identity enabling people to recognize your brand. Also constantly monitor your competitors, analyze their strategy, and keep an eye out for their targeting strategy to enhance your PPC and SEO performance.

How to handle Amazon’s algorithm to give your listings more visibility and push?

To effectively work with Amazon’s algorithm and enhance the visibility of your listings, focus on key factors that influence how your products are ranked and displayed. Start by driving strong sales performance, as higher sales can boost your product’s visibility. Pay attention to metrics like impressions and click-through rates (CTR), as these reflect how well your listings are engaging with potential customers. Additionally, bring in traffic from both on-platform and off-platform sources to increase your product’s exposure. Ensure that your listings are of high quality, with clear, detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, and relevant keywords. Finally, build your seller authority by maintaining a strong track record of customer satisfaction and positive reviews. By aligning your strategy with these factors, you can better leverage Amazon’s algorithm to give your listings a significant visibility boost.

Amazon PPC best practices advertisers must implement?

1. Optimize Product Listings for Maximum Relevance: Ensure your product listings are fully optimized with relevant keywords, high-quality images, and detailed descriptions. This helps improve your Quality Score and relevance, which can lead to better ad placements and lower costs per click (CPC). Keep your titles, bullet points, and descriptions aligned with what customers are searching for to drive higher engagement and conversions. 2. Create Portfolios for Better Budget Control and Targeting: Use portfolios to group related campaigns and manage budgets more effectively. This allows you to allocate funds based on performance and target specific products or categories with tailored strategies. It also provides clearer insights into the performance of different segments of your advertising efforts. 3. Conduct Constant Competitor Keyword Analysis: Regularly analyze your competitors’ keywords to stay ahead of market trends and refine your own keyword strategy. This helps identify gaps in your current approach and opportunities for new, high-performing keywords. Tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, or Amazon's Brand Analytics can provide valuable insights. 4. Earn the Buy Box: The Buy Box is crucial for increasing your visibility and sales on Amazon. Ensure you meet Amazon’s performance metrics, such as competitive pricing, fast shipping, and excellent customer service. Maintaining a high seller rating and managing your inventory efficiently can help you secure and retain the Buy Box. 5. Structure Your PPC Campaigns According to Best Practices: Organize your campaigns with clear objectives and logical structures. Separate campaigns by match type (broad, phrase, exact) and product categories to optimize performance and make it easier to track results. This helps in analyzing data more effectively and making targeted adjustments. 6. Experiment with Different Ad Placements: Test various ad placements, such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display ads, to determine which ones yield the best results. Assess metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and advertising cost of sale (ACOS) to find the most effective placements for your goals. 7. Utilize Negative Keywords to Improve Campaign Efficiency: Implement negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and avoid wasting ad spend on clicks that are unlikely to convert. Regularly review search term reports to identify and add negative keywords, ensuring your ads are shown only to the most relevant audience. 8. Monitor and Adjust Bids Regularly: Continuously review and adjust your bids based on performance data. Increase bids for high-performing keywords and decrease them for underperforming ones. Automated bidding strategies can also help optimize bids based on your goals and budget. 9. Analyze and Optimize Ad Performance Data: Regularly analyze your campaign data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Use insights from performance metrics to make data-driven decisions and refine your strategy, ensuring you’re constantly optimizing for better results.

How Upscale Valley can help increase the revenue of your Amazon store?

Upscale Valley can boost your Amazon store’s revenue by offering a range of tailored services. We start with in-depth market research to identify key opportunities. Our team optimizes your product listings and manages PPC campaigns to drive more traffic and conversions. We meticulously analyze data to track performance and refine strategies for continuous improvement. By handling all aspects of your Amazon marketing, we help you maximize sales and profitability while you focus on running your business.

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