Selling on Amazon vs eBay: Understanding the Key Differences


This blog post will provide an overview of Selling on Amazon vs eBay , highlighting their advantages and giving insight into which option will be best for your business.

When considering starting an online business, Amazon and eBay are considered two of the top choices.

Both websites have unique benefits, and it is important to understand the differences before deciding.

1.  What’s the Difference Between Selling on Amazon vs eBay?

When comparing Amazon and eBay, the first thing that comes to mind is cost and fees.

EBay has two fee plans: the Insertion fee and the final value fee.

An insertion fee is charged when a seller creates a listing on eBay. eBay allows sellers to have 250 free listings per month. If the seller has a store on eBay, they may be able to have more than 250 listings.

If you use up your monthly allowance, insertion fees will be charged per listing and category. For example, if you list your item in two types, you’ll also pay an insertion fee for the second category.

On eBay, sellers pay a final value fee for their items when the item sells. This is calculated as a percentage of the total transaction cost, including shipping.

The total sale amount includes the item price, handling charges, shipping service chosen by the buyer, and sale tax.

This fee is calculated as a percentage of the total amount of the sale, plus $0.30 per order.

The managed payment system is required for eBay, so the payment processing fee is included in the Final Value fee.

The optional listing fee is payable only if you upgrade the listing with some special features. The optional upgrade can be particular font color or style, adding subtitles to a product, or setting your own price. This fee adds up as quickly as you upgrade your listing.

It’s important to note that these fees can vary depending on your product type.

The cost of selling on Amazon depends on the plan you choose.  With Amazon, several different pricing plans range from free to $39.99 monthly.

An Individual Selling Plan might be the best option for those just getting started.

This plan requires no monthly subscription fee but does charge a per-item fee for each item sold through your account, which is $0.99 per item.

This plan is ideal for those who don’t have a large inventory or aren’t expecting to make many sales. With this plan, you have access to all the tools needed to successfully list and manage your products on Amazon, making this an attractive option for smaller businesses or those just getting started.

The second plan is the Professional Selling Plan, which is ideal for those with larger inventories or expecting higher sales volumes.

With this plan, there is a monthly subscription fee of $39.99 plus additional fees depending on what type of product you sell and how many items you list each month.

However, with the Professional Selling Plan, you can access more features, such as order processing reports and customer service features unavailable in the Individual Selling Plan.

Amazon has one prominent feature that eBay doesn’t have; Amazon Prime Subscription offered by Amazon.

It provides users with access to various features, including free two-day shipping on eligible items, streaming access to more than 15,000 movies and television shows, unlimited access to over one million songs, access to Kindle e-books, and exclusive deals for members. It is an appealing service for both shoppers and sellers.

2.  The Pros of Selling on eBay

● Reach a Wider Audience: Perhaps the most compelling advantage of selling items on eBay is that it gives you access to an expansive global marketplace full of potential buyers. Anyone from around the world can view your products, so if you’re looking to reach as many people as possible, eBay is an excellent option. With hundreds of millions of active users, this platform helps sellers reach more people than ever and increase their chances of making a sale.
● Low Fees: Another key benefit of selling on eBay is that there are very low associated fees and expenses compared to other online marketplaces or physical retail locations. You’ll only need to pay a small commission each time you make a sale, while PayPal also charges small processing fees for transactions made through its system. When you consider the sheer volume and wide range of buyers available on eBay, these costs are marginal compared to the returns you can make using the platform.
● Option for Automation: One helpful feature offered by eBay is automation options for sellers who wish to streamline their operations. With automated email notification templates and other tools, it’s easy to create repeatable processes that help you save time and energy when managing your inventory and orders. Many software solutions integrate with eBay’s API and enable complex automation sequences such as auto-publishing product listings or providing analytics about sales performance. Such features allow users to work smarter instead of more complicated and quickly scale up their businesses with high-efficiency rates.

3.  The Cons of Selling on eBay

● High Fees: One of the primary cons of selling on eBay is its high fees. Sellers must pay an insertion fee when they list their product and a final value fee when an item sells. Also, sellers must pay a percentage-based commission on each sale they make. This means that while they may be making some money from their sales, much is going toward eBay’s fees and commissions. The exact fees and commissions vary based on the product category and type, but in general, sellers are left with less profit than if they were to sell their products through other online channels.
● Complex Listing Rules: To comply with eBay’s rules and regulations, sellers must list their products according to certain guidelines and standards. These include using certain keywords in the listing description and providing detailed photographs and descriptions for each item listed for sale. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in a seller receiving warnings from eBay or even having their account suspended or terminated if violations occur too frequently or are severe enough. Although following these rules helps ensure fairness between buyers and sellers, it also adds another layer of complexity to running a successful business on eBay that can be difficult to manage properly.
● Limited Reach: A third con of selling on eBay is limited reach, meaning that not all potential customers may be able to find your products within the marketplace itself due to the sheer number of active listings available at any given time as well as how listings are organized within search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition, many customers may already have pre-existing loyalties towards other online retailers or marketplaces, further limiting potential exposure for your products within the eBay platform itself.

4.  The Pros of Selling on Amazon FBA

● Increased Visibility in a Crowded Marketplace: When selling on Amazon, businesses can benefit from increased visibility in the crowded marketplace compared to selling through their website. The platform is well-known and has a high level of trust among buyers, which means that when someone browses for a product or service, they are more likely to choose one from Amazon over any other site. This increased visibility leads to more potential customers, which can help increase sales and revenue for businesses.
● Low Start-Up Costs: Another great advantage of using Amazon to sell products or services is its low start-up costs. Unlike opening a traditional brick-and-mortar store or creating an e-commerce website from scratch, setting up a shop on Amazon requires minimal upfront costs. Businesses only need to pay for listing their product online and any transaction fees associated with each sale. This allows companies of all sizes to get started quickly and easily without breaking the bank.
● Access to A Wide Audience: By leveraging Amazon’s expansive customer base, businesses can access millions of potential customers who are already accustomed to buying things online. Since the platform is so popular, sellers can tap into a larger group of people than they could by selling through their website alone. This also gives them access to international markets that may be unavailable through their stores due to geographical restrictions like shipping limitations or currency exchange issues.

5.  The Cons of Selling on Amazon FBA

● Intense Competition: Another con to selling on Amazon is the intense competition between sellers, especially in popular product categories where hundreds or even thousands of sellers trying for attention from shoppers. This intense competition can lead to lower prices and reduced profit margins as sellers try to undercut one another to gain more customers. Additionally, because all sellers must compete with Amazon’s products (which often come with free shipping) and its network of third-party vendors, new or small businesses may find it difficult to stand out in their chosen niche.
● Lack Of Control over Pricing & Shipping: Another drawback of selling on Amazon is the lack of control over pricing and shipping policies that sellers have when compared with other e-commerce platforms such as eBay or Shopify. Sellers have no control over how much they charge for their items, nor do they have any control over what shipping charges will be applied at checkout (if any). This means that unless you’re willing to research competitors’ prices and try out different fulfillment options for your products, you may lose out on potential buyers due to unfavorable shipping costs or uncompetitive pricing. Furthermore, when dealing with returns or customer complaints you’ll have no choice but abide by Amazon’s strict rules if you want your storefront hosted by the company’s platform – which means less flexibility when trying to resolve customer disputes or provide refunds/replacements when necessary.
● Limited Control Over Listings: Another con associated with selling on Amazon is limited control over one’s listings. Sellers can only customize certain aspects of their listing and have minimal control over how their listings appear in search results and other places where Amazon promotes them. This limits the ability to optimize product listings and ensure they stand out from competitors’ offerings. Additionally, because all product information, such as descriptions, must be approved by Amazon before going live, this process may take longer than desired if any issues during a review need to be addressed.

6.  Selling on Amazon vs eBay : Dropshipping Difference

With FBA, you don’t need to worry about storing or shipping your inventory. Amazon takes care of it all.

However, there are some downsides to using FBA as well. First and foremost, Amazon has strict rules against dropshipping, meaning if you want to use their service, you must purchase enough inventory upfront to qualify.

When using eBay, buyers can purchase items from individual private sellers or through a bidding process. Shipping the items to the buyer is generally handled by the seller, who will choose their own courier service or ship the item themselves. Buyers may also have their items shipped directly from the seller’s warehouse or store. On eBay, customers can purchase almost anything listed as long as it meets their criteria in terms of quality and cost.

When it comes to delivery timescales, eBay is often faster than Amazon FBA as packages are usually delivered directly by the seller or third-party courier services used by them. This contrast with Amazon FBA, which uses its delivery network that can take longer to deliver orders due to how much larger its inventory is compared to individual sellers on eBay. Because of this difference in size, delays often occur when dealing with large shipments through Amazon FBA compared to smaller shipments through eBay’s sellers.

While understanding the key differences between Amazon and eBay is essential, sellers on Amazon have a unique opportunity to improve their product visibility with our Amazon SEO services. Using strategic keywords and optimizing product listings, we ensure your products gain maximum exposure. Learn more about these services on our dedicated page.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to selling on Amazon FBA and eBay. The most important factor for sellers to consider is what their goals are for their business. If a seller wants to focus on growth and reaching new customers, then Amazon FBA would be the best platform.

However, if a seller wants to maximize profits, then eBay would be the better option. There are benefits and drawbacks to both platforms, so sellers need to research which platform will work best for them based on their individual business needs.

What are the fee structures for selling on Amazon and eBay?

The fee structures for selling on Amazon and eBay vary depending on the type of account and the services used. Here's a breakdown: Amazon Fee Structure: Subscription Fees: • Individual Plan: No monthly fee, but there’s a $0.99 fee per item sold. • Professional Plan: $39.99 monthly subscription fee, with no per-item fee. • Referral Fees: Amazon charges a referral fee for each sale, typically ranging from 8% to 15% of the product’s sale price, depending on the category. Fulfillment Fees (FBA): If you use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), there are additional fees for storage and fulfillment: • Fulfillment Fees: Charged based on the size and weight of the product. • Storage Fees: Monthly storage fees based on the volume your products take up in Amazon’s warehouses. These fees are higher during peak seasons (October–December). • Closing Fees: Certain categories, such as media (books, DVDs, etc.), incur an additional closing fee of $1.80 per item sold. eBay Fee Structure: Listing Fees: • Free Listings: eBay offers up to 250 free listings per month for non-store sellers. • Insertion Fees: After the free listings, eBay charges $0.35 per listing, depending on the category. Final Value Fees: eBay charges a final value fee on each sale, which is a percentage of the total sale amount, including shipping. This fee typically ranges from 12.9% to 15%, depending on the category, plus a $0.30 fee per order. Store Subscription Fees (Optional): eBay offers different store plans with monthly fees starting from $4.95 (for basic stores) to $299.95 (for anchor stores). These plans offer additional benefits like discounted fees, more free listings, and better promotional tools. Promotional Fees (Optional): Sellers can pay extra to promote their listings. Fees for promoted listings are typically a percentage of the final sale price, determined by the seller. Payment Processing Fees: eBay’s Managed Payments charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for payment processing. However, Amazon tends to have higher overall fees, especially if using FBA, but it offers fulfillment services and access to a larger customer base. eBay fees are more flexible, with lower insertion fees, but the platform requires sellers to manage their own shipping and fulfillment unless using a third-party service. Each platform has different costs depending on your selling strategy, product type, and volume.

How do shipping and fulfillment work on Amazon vs eBay?

When comparing shipping and fulfillment between Amazon and eBay, both platforms offer distinct approaches that cater to different seller needs. Amazon provides a more hands-off option with its Fulfillment by Amazon FBA service, making it easier for sellers to focus on other aspects of their business, while eBay provides sellers complete control over their shipping process. Understanding differences between these two is important for sellers. Here’s how shipping and fulfillment works on each platform: Amazon: 1. Fulfillment Options: • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Amazon offers a service where they store, pack, and ship your products. With FBA, Amazon also handles customer service and returns. Sellers send their inventory to Amazon's fulfillment centers, and Amazon takes care of the rest. • Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN): Sellers can choose to handle their own shipping. In this case, sellers manage storage, packing, shipping, and customer service themselves. 2. Shipping Fees: • For FBA, Amazon charges fulfillment fees based on the product size and weight. These fees include picking, packing, and shipping the item. • For MFN, sellers decide their own shipping methods and costs, and they may offer free or discounted shipping to customers. 3. Prime Eligibility: Products fulfilled via FBA are eligible for Amazon Prime, meaning customers get fast, free shipping. This can boost sales since Prime customers tend to prefer Prime-eligible products. eBay: 1. Seller-Managed Shipping: • eBay doesn’t have an in-house fulfillment service like FBA. Sellers are responsible for shipping the items themselves or using third-party fulfillment services. This means managing everything from packaging to arranging delivery with shipping carriers. 2. Shipping Methods: • Sellers on eBay have more control over shipping options, offering a variety of carriers (e.g., USPS, FedEx, UPS) and delivery speeds. • eBay allows sellers to offer free shipping or charge buyers shipping fees, depending on their preference. 3. eBay Global Shipping Program: For international sales, eBay offers a Global Shipping Program (GSP), where sellers ship to a US-based center, and eBay handles international shipping and customs. This simplifies selling to global buyers. 4. Shipping Discounts: eBay offers shipping label discounts to sellers if they purchase labels through eBay’s platform, which helps save on shipping costs. Key Differences: • Amazon: Provides an integrated fulfillment option (FBA), which handles everything from storage to delivery. It’s easier but comes with higher fees. Products fulfilled by Amazon are also eligible for Prime, making them more attractive to buyers. • eBay: Sellers are responsible for their own shipping logistics, which gives them more control but also requires more effort. eBay does not have a built-in fulfillment service, though third-party solutions can be used. Generally, Amazon offers more streamlined fulfillment through FBA, while eBay gives sellers full control over shipping, with an option for international assistance via GSP.

Which platform offers better seller support?

Amazon offers more structured and all-inclusive seller support with 24/7 access, dedicated account managers (for Professional Plan), and a detailed case resolution system. However, it has stricter policy enforcement. eBay provides solid support through live chat, community forums, and its Seller Hub, offering more flexibility and protection for smaller sellers. Amazon generally offers stronger support, especially for larger, high-volume sellers, while eBay is more user-friendly for independent sellers.

Are there differences in product categories allowed on Amazon and eBay?

Yes, there are differences in the product categories allowed on Amazon and eBay, especially in terms of restrictions and approval processes. Amazon: 1. Restricted Categories: Amazon has stricter guidelines and restricted categories that require approval before selling. These include items like electronics, groceries, health and beauty products, jewelry, and certain automotive parts. Sellers often need to provide documentation, invoices, or certifications to get approval to sell in these categories. 2. New and Branded Products: Amazon mainly focuses on new, branded products. While you can sell used goods, Amazon prioritizes a marketplace for new products, especially in high-demand categories like electronics, household goods, and apparel. 3. Approval Process: o Certain categories require sellers to go through an approval process or meet specific standards (such as insurance for selling dietary supplements). This ensures quality control and reduces counterfeit products in high-risk categories. 4. Prohibited Items: o Amazon has a list of prohibited items that cannot be sold, including dangerous goods, illegal substances, and certain types of firearms or ammunition. eBay: 1. More Flexibility: o eBay allows for the sale of a wider variety of products, including new, used, vintage, and collectible items. Sellers can list second-hand items, refurbished goods, and rare collectibles, which makes eBay more flexible for selling niche or pre-owned products. 2. Fewer Restrictions: o While eBay has guidelines and restrictions for certain products (like alcohol, weapons, and counterfeit goods), the platform is generally more lenient about what you can sell compared to Amazon. Sellers don’t usually need to go through extensive approval processes for most categories. 3. Auction-style Listings: eBay allows sellers to auction products or sell them at fixed prices, which is ideal for unique or collectible items. Categories like antiques, rare books, and memorabilia are more common on eBay than on Amazon. 4. Prohibited Items: Like Amazon, eBay also has a list of prohibited items, but the range of restricted goods is broader on Amazon. eBay tends to focus more on ensuring items comply with legal requirements rather than restricting entire categories. Key Differences: • Amazon has stricter rules and approval processes, focusing on new, branded products with more limitations on used goods and niche categories. • eBay offers more flexibility, allowing the sale of used, vintage, and collectible items without as many restrictions, making it a better option for sellers dealing with unique or second-hand products. To sum up, Amazon is ideal for sellers who want to sell in-demand, new products with structured guidelines, while eBay caters to a broader range of product types, including niche and second-hand items.

Which platform is better for long-term brand building?

Amazon is generally better for long-term brand building due to features like Amazon Brand Registry, A+ Content, and Amazon Stores, which allow sellers to showcase their brand and products more professionally. It also provides tools for advertising and brand protection, helping sellers create a consistent and trusted brand presence. eBay, while great for independent sellers and niche markets, offers fewer tools for brand building. It's more focused on individual listings, and sellers often compete on price, making it harder to establish a long-term brand identity. For building a recognizable and lasting brand, Amazon offers more resources and opportunities.

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